Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My gifts finally arrived. Last week I ordered a muscle stimulator and an ultra-sound machine (very inexpensive) and they arrived last night. Even though I had therapy earlier in the day I was eager to try them out. Once I figured out how to use them I was really happy with the out come. I now have the ability to treat myself when I want. I also have the ability target more than one area. Usually at therapy I get ultra sound on the groin or the hammy, not both. Today, because of both treatment sessions I feel great.

My training is going to be 5 miles on the grass while my team does 4 miles of extreme hills, finished off with 5 short hill sprints. These workouts are making their legs very strong as witnessed by their improved times at the longer distances. For the team, this will be their last madatory run before Sunday's 18.6 LA Marathon qualifying race (Students Run LA requires that all kids run under 4:50 for 18.6 miles). I am letting them rest up and do a mini-taper so they are fresh and ready to race. I am not too worried about them not qualifying as most did this past weekend's 22 miler in under 5 hours (all under 5:30).

Hopefully, I will feel good today running, then do some self-therapy so I can get a few miles in of the treadmill before work tomorrow. Then I will shut it down so my body can rest for the 15 I will be running on Sunday.

31 days until LA- so excited
2 months until I am in Boston for the marathon (even more excited!)

Have a great day

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